
in Diversity and Inclusion

Just Different assesses your strategy and your actions, and proposes a different approach to D&I.

Assessing your Diversity & Inclusion policy

Our services


Companies’ D&I policies are subject to societal and regulatory developments. Just Different accompanies you to check the validity and relevance of your strategy.

We carry out audits and studies designed to assess your D&I processes and the perception of your actions.

Our approach

  • Audit of your governance, your HR processes, your management and your communication.
  • Analysis of your HRIS and your ATS.
  • Identification of the levers to improve your D&I policy.
  • Surveys of your employees in order to study their perception with regard to inclusion, diversity and non-discrimination.
  • Deployment of the Barometre of Inclusive Organisations. Pete Stone has worked for 18 months with Patrick Scharnitzky and the AFMD (French Association of Diversity Managers) to develop this unique tool to measure inclusion by assessing both the actions implemented by organisations and the perceptions of employees.

Defining your D&I strategy

Our support


To be truly effective, a D&I policy must be part of the company’s DNA. It must be part of your strategic objectives so that it gradually permeates your corporate culture.

Diversity, inclusion, non-discrimination, gender diversity, disability… Just Different helps executive committees go beyond the regulatory aspects of these topics to define a true corporate vision. We intervene in the formalisation of your commitments and we help you to define your objectives and your strategy.

Our approach

  • Definition of the D&I strategy
  • Design and formalisation of D&I policies
  • Design of processes
  • Preparation of negotiations with unions
  • Benchmarks

Bringing Diversity & Inclusion to life in your organisation

Our support


Bringing Diversity and Inclusion to life on a daily basis in your organisation is the best way to obtain employee engagement for your policy. Just Different helps companies develop and deploy action plans tailored to their needs. 

We support you in the change management to get all employees onboard with your new commitments.

Finally, we help you to identify the rights KPIs to allow you to have a clear visibility on the impact of the actions you have implemented.

Our approach

  • Definition, implementation and monitoring of action plans with precise and relevant indicators
  • Tailor-made training and awareness-raising
  • Design and implementation of mentoring programs (expatriates, women and men, newcomers…)
  • Support in the creation and running of Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), D&I neyworks, D&I committees, etc.
  • Advice on internal and external communication